

So I have been uploading lots of the videos I have made over the years on YouTube. (Check it out at www.youtube.com/user/tuskandshell.) I got to this one and I started tearing up. That small group has changed my life. I pray that I will be able to experience the companionship that we had with some other students some day.


Slow Week

So last Friday was the High School Geek Night. Not much to say about it but this will be the last time we let people go home early. Stay all night or don’t come at all is my new policy. Other than that I am just excited that I have 2 weeks of school.


Easter is here!!!

Ok…not much has happened so I had not much to post.

This past Sunday was the Rock Hop and Roll tour. I thought it went really well. There was a good number of people there and I got the chance to connect with kids I normally don’t get the chance to.

I have been doing more work on the web page and that I coming along quite nicely.

Last Monday I went to Sandusky with Amy and Heather to look at the site of the UB national conference. I am leading the youth portion of the conference. It sounds like it will be lots of fun. I am excited about the message being presented. I won’t spoil it for anyone attending.

Other than that I am just excited that school is almost done for this semester.